Friday, 2 December 2011

Harvey At Occupy London

David Harvey recently gave a speech at the Occupy London Protest and made some very poignant points.

The excerpts below are taken from the transcript of the speech and are particularly  relevant to our project.

“Because until we know how to create democracy at the local level and then build that democracy into configurations that remain democratic right to the top, then we will not be able to implement a program. We will see good ideas co-opted by capital. And that is one of the most serious difficulties of any political movenent; you come up with good ideas, and then they co-opt them for their own purposes. No."

“And the other thing that needs to be established here is that, you know, we live in a world where people talk about the importance of public space. But most of the time the public is not allowed to be in that public space. What you’re showing is: people belong in this public space. And when we get in this public space, we can turn it from a public space into a commons. Into a political space. Where we can start to discuss and understand, and start to militate against the incredible, incredible concentrations of wealth and power."

You can watch the speech in its entirety from the following links

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