Friday, 24 February 2012

Field Journal- Informal Markets In Europe

I have recently been reading a particular text that is very relevant to the study into informal markets as a hub for political discourse and occupation of public space. Some of the poignant quotes from the texts are extracted below.

Informal markets generate sites of counter-globalisation based on a deterritorialisation of cultures.
A striking facet of the many contradictions produced by the global economic system is the resurgence of markets as prime sites of struggle relating to questions of governance and self-governance. Markets have turned into a stage upon which battles over existing societal order and alternative forms of organisation are smouldering.  
The underbelly of the liberalised capital market performs a shadow play, whose relation to the homogenising force of globalisation, is most of all characterised by a paradoxical production of micro sites of cultural heterogeneity. 


1 comment:

  1. Kind of interesting how you have gone down the 'counter-globalised' route, whereas I think the bank would still have a role in the global setting - albeit reduced from that of the likes of HSBC etc - yet we are tackling similar issues.
